Stockholm Center for
International Law and Justice and the Centre for International and
Operational Law (CIOL) at the Swedish Defence University invite you
to a panel discussion on
Cyber operations and
international law: prospects for global norms?
Although some
early enthusiasts thought of cyberspace as a realm beyond sovereignty, it is
now abundantly clear that both domestic law and international law apply to
cyberspace. However, there is no international convention on security in cyberspace
and no global consensus on exactly how
existing international law applies. A UN Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) has
been trying to set out how current international law applies and formulate draft
rules on responsible behaviour in cyberspace, but their latest meeting, in
2017, was ultimately unsuccessful. Efforts are ongoing in other fora, like the
G20 and OSCE, but the world is still far from agreement on how existing law
shall apply and what, if any, new rules are needed. In the meantime, the number
of cyber incidents are multiplying and getting more serious, with attacks from
both states and non-state actors. This panel will present current efforts of
regulating security cyberspace and discuss the prospects for future
Presentation of the problem -- the application of
international law to cyber operations (Professor Pål Wrange, Stockholm
The Tallinn Manual process (Professor Terry Gill,
University of Amsterdam)
The GGE (Ambassador Marja Lehto, Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs)
The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace
(Ambassador Marina Kaljurand, chair
of the commission)
Monday 28th August 2017 14:00-15:00
in lecture hall 5,
Level 3, B Building,
University Campus Place, Frescati
This event has been made possible through a generous
grant from the Marcus Wallenberg Foundation for International Scientific