Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Jann Kleffner and Ola Engdahl at the Sanremo Institute's 38th Annual Round Table

Jann Kleffner and Ola Engdahl will both be participating in panels at the International Institute of Humanitarian Law's annual round table on current issues in international humanitarian law. This year the conference will be streamlined live, accessible here. The programme for the conference is available here.

The theme for this year's conference is "The Distinction between International and Non-International Armed Conflict: Challenges for IHL?" Ola will speak on peace support operations in a panel discussing whether current forms of armed conflict challenge categorisation on Thursday 3 September at 1400. Jann will be speaking on a panel discussing the convergence in the law governing international armed conflicts and non-international armed conflicts at 1630 on Friday 4 September, as well as a panel discussing humanitarian assistance at 0845 on Saturday 5 September.

/ Sally